Product Marketing Code Launched
The Code for Construction Product Information, first published in draft form in January 2021, has now been approved and is ready for companies to sign up to.
Launch of the Code for Construction Product Information (CCPI) is coupled with publication of code guidance and a Preparing for the Code information pack.
The aim is to improve standards – particularly with regard to clarity and honesty – in the presentation of construction product information in the manufacturing industry.
The code has been developed by the Construction Products Association’s marketing integrity group, set up after the Grenfell Tower fire revealed that integrity and marketing did not always go hand in hand when it comes to construction products.
The code has been built on the principle that product information must be clear, accurate, up-to-date, accessible and unambiguous. It has 11 clauses covering aspects from responsibility for product information to transparency of information regarding performance, proof of stated claims and general information and competency.
Registration for verification will open towards the end of 2021, supported by guidance. Organisations can register their interest now to receive updates ahead of the launch of verification.
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