Wash & Squash HDPE Incentive

What is Wash & Squash?
Wash & Squash is the initiative to encourage our team to recycle their household HDPE bottle waste at our Polymer Processing Plant to support our sustainable journey.  Once you have washed and squashed your bottle, please use your new Wash & Squash bag to bring it to work and deposit the bottles in our collection bins in multiple locations across our sites. These bottles will then be processed into materials to be used in our products that last more than 50 years. Types of household HDPE bottles include milk bottles, bleach bottles and bottles with the Number 2 recycling symbol.

Why should we Wash & Squash?
Wash & Squash is an exciting initiative for our people at Manthorpe and within the Genuit Group to be part of the business, we’re offering a way to recycle your waste from home and support the business in delivering product that supports the country’s wider infrastructure.

How do we Wash & Squash?
We have provided everyone with a Wash & Squash recycling bag which is made from recycled bottles. Simply use this bag to bring your clean empty HDPE bottles into work and place them in the specially provided bins around our site. Once the bins are full, we will empty them and weigh the contents keeping track of our team’s contribution to our recycling journey.

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